Regarding the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses): An 11-weeks program of courses given by IFP School took place during the academic year 2022-2023. The courses were conducted at distance via Zoom or with on-site lessons in FORTH/IG premises in Chania. The program is detailed below:
Introduction to energy transition (14-18/11/22) Prof. Jean Pierre Deflandre
Geothermal Systems (09-13/01/23 & 16-20/01/23) Assistant Professor, Dr. Mathilde Adelinet
Underground gas storage, this topic included a package of 6 weeks, taught both at distance and in Chania IG/FORTH premises (13-17/02/23, 20-24/02/23, 06-10/03/23, 20/03/23 to 07/04/23)
Subsurface gas systems (24-28/04/23), taught at distance by Prof. Eric Deville
Reservoir Monitoring (19-21/06/23) taught by Assistant Professor, Dr. Mathilde Adelinet
Figure 1 MOOCs 2022-23