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Προθεσμία Υποβολής:

Call for expression of interest for one (1) position of Early-Stage Researcher Position (ESR)  in the Institute of Geoenergy (IG)

Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)


Position(s): One (1) Early-Stage Researcher Position (ESR)

Project: “Twinning to sustainable energy transition”, Akronym: “TWINN2SET”, GA no 101079246, funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe

Desired starting date: 01/04/2025

Duration: 6 months with possibility of extension

Location: Chania, Crete, Greece

Opening date: 12/02/2025

Closing date: 28/02/2025

Ref.: EYZ00022_03


Ο Διευθυντής του Ινστιτούτου Γεωενέργειας του Ιδρύματος Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας, κ. Ιωάννης Γεντεκάκης, αποφασίζει την έκδοση πρόσκλησης εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος για την πλήρωση μίας (1) έκτακτου προσωπικού «Eπιστημονικού Συνεργάτη» - Early Stage Researcher Position (ESR), μέσω σύμβασης εργασίας ιδιωτικού δικαίου ορισμένου χρόνου, και αντικείμενο: «Energy and subsurface storage of hydrogen and carbon dioxide within the framework of the energy transition; Geological and Geochemical Parameters» στο πλαίσιο του έργου με τίτλο «Twinning to sustainable energy transition» με ακρωνύμιο TWINN2SET (GA no 101079246) funded by the European Union under Horizon Europe  και κωδικό έργου ΕΥΖ00022.


Κωδικός Θέσης: EYZ00022_03 “Early-Stage Researcher Position (ESR)”

Οι ενδιαφερόμενες/οι καλούνται να υποβάλουν τις αιτήσεις (Κωδικός Θέσης: EYZ00022_03) μαζί με τα απαραίτητα δικαιολογητικά τους διαμέσου ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου (e-mail) στη διεύθυνση, το αργότερο μέχρι την 28.02.2025.


Λεπτομέρειες στην επίσημη πρόσκληση εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος (pdf)

Ημερομηνία Ανακοίνωσης:
Προθεσμία Υποβολής: Σε αναμονή

P.N. 89138_21/09/2022

One (1) Post – doctoral Researcher Position



The Institute of Geoenergy (FORTH/IG) invites applications for a Post-doctoral Researcher position within the EU funded

research  project  entitled  “Twinning  to  sustainable  energy  transition-  Acronym:  TWINN2SET  (GA  No  101079246) (



One (1) Post-doctoral Researcher position in the field of Chemistry and/or Chemical Engineering.



Position Description:

The Postdoctoral Researcher is expected to contribute to the development of innovative efficient technologies for hydrogen and  COstorage into geological formations. Relevant  tasks will involve the determination of the spatial distribution  of porosities and permeabilities, the investigation of alterations in the petrophysics properties of reservoir rocks and evaluation of effective migration of gases through porous media. A second area of research will focus on a number of coupled processes, including two-phase flow and transport, thermodynamic equilibria, dissolution and precipitation of minerals at the reservoir scale.


Required qualifications:

         Degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering.

         Ph.D. relevant scientific field, especially in the fields of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science.

         Extensive experience in research projects (management, support, and implementation).



Desired qualifications:

1.     Experience in the development, characterisation and evaluation of the performance of porous adsorbents for separation and capture of hydrogen and other gases (evidenced by relevant works, certificates, participation in relevant projects or research groups).

2.     Experience in the investigation of transport mechanisms of gases and vapors through porous materials (evidenced by relevant works, certificates, participation in relevant projects or research groups).

3.     Experience in performance evaluation of porous materials for hydrogen separation and purification (evidenced by relevant works, certificates, participation in relevant projects or research groups).

4.     Experience in equipment and techniques for characterization of the porous structure of solid materials and evaluation of adsorption, absorption and diffusivity of gases in porous sorbents and liquids, i.e. nitrogen porosimetry, mercury porosimetry, gravimetric or volumetric sorption analysis (evidenced by relevant works, certificates, participation in relevant projects or research groups).

5.     Participation of the applicant in scientific publications in high-quality peer-reviewed journals (the number of publications relevant to the topics 1-3 mentioned above will be taken into account, at least 5 publications).

6.     Experience in research projects, including planning, compilation, and submission of proposals, management, overseeing of the implementation of the workplan, communication with the project partners, and  actions to promote and disseminate research results (the number of participations in research projects will be taken into account).

7.    Excellent oral and written skills in English language (evidenced by relevant certificates).

About the new position:

The successful applicant will be expected to join a multidisciplinary team of scientists with expertise in engineering, geology, chemistry and biology, and participate in technology transfer events and workshops, contribute to the broad dissemination of science and the project objectives, grant-applications and preparation of research articles.


Contact information:

The project coordinator is Assistant Researcher Dr. Emmanuel Stamatakis

(E-mail:; Phone: +30 2811392203).


Contract Duration: 34 months

Envisaged starting date: 1/12/2022


Application   submission:  Interested   candidates  should   submit  their  application  electronically  (   and by October 31st 2022 @ 13:00 (Greek time).


The application should consist of:

1. CV

2. Brief statement of interest

3. The names of two referees




Tasos Labropoulos
Tasos Labropoulos

Dr. Tasos Labropoulos has been selected for the Post-doc position in TWINN2SET. He started on October 2023 and will assist on underground hydrogen and CO2 storage in geological formations.

Dr. Dr. Anastasios Labropoulos is a graduate of the Chemistry Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, holds a MSc in Polymer Science and Applications (Department of chemistry, university of Athens) and a PhD in Physical Chemistry (Department of Chemistry, University of Athens). The elaboration of his Master’s and PhD thesis was accomplished at the laboratory of Membranes and Microporous Materials for Environmental Separations (MESL) of the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (INN) at the National Centre for Scientific Research ‘’ Demokritos’’.

His research activities include the separation, capture and storage of gases for energy and environmental applications, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on porous ceramic substrates, characterization of porous materials, investigation of adsorption and diffusion of gases into porous and nanostructured media, development of composite membranes incorporating carbon nanotubes or ionic liquids, assessment of membranes efficiency in gas separations, and development and study of catalytic membrane reactors with the aim to improve the performance chemical processes. He has 17 publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals and 22 presentations and lectures in Greek and International scientific conferences. He has also worked in 9 Greek and European research projects as an External Scientific Associate or with a scholarship.



Ημερομηνία Ανακοίνωσης:
Προθεσμία Υποβολής: Σε αναμονή

P.N. 89138_21/09/2022

One (1) Early – stage Researcher (ESR) Position – PhD Student



The Institute of Geoenergy (FORTH/IG) invites applications for an Early – stage Researcher (ESR) – PhD Student position within the EU funded research project entitled “Twinning to sustainable energy transition- Acronym: TWINN2SET (GA No

101079246) (



One (1) Early – stage Researcher – PhD Student in Chemical and/or Mineral Resources Engineering


Position Description:

The  position  is  a  full-time  PhD  student  position  and  is  funded  by  European  Commission,  under  the  under  Twinning


The TWI2SET project consists of a capacity building & mentoring programme in the domains of 1) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), 2) Deep Geothermal Energy and 3) Subsurface Hydrogen Storage. The work will be complemented by an exploratory project focusing on Hydrogen storage in Geological formations, fostering interdisciplinary competencies at the interplay of a promising energy vector with subsurface reservoir characterisation, modelling and monitoring. Geosciences play a fundamental role in research activities tackling new energy transition themes through the use of underground resources.

The PhD student is expected to contribute to the development of innovative efficient technologies for hydrogen and CO2 storage into geological formations. Relevant tasks will involve the determination of the spatial distribution of porosities and permeabilities, the investigation of alterations in the petrophysics properties of reservoir rocks and evaluation of effective migration of gases through porous media (eg. salt caverns). The candidate will also assist to the development of an advanced High Temperature High Pressure (HTHP) lab facility capable of performing rock & fluid lab experiments, test and analysis. Candidates should have secured a PhD position in a Greek University.


Required qualifications:

         MSc Degree in Mineral Resources Engineering or Chemical Engineering

         Lab experience in HP-HT thermodynamic and core flooding experiments

         Communication skills

         Two potential referees



About the new position:

The successful applicant will be expected to join a multidisciplinary team of scientists with expertise in engineering, geology, chemistry and biology, and participate in technology transfer events and workshops, contribute to the broad dissemination of science and the project objectives, grant-applications and preparation of research articles. Place of research: FORTH/IG premises in the University Campus, in Chania, Greece.


Contact information:

The project coordinator is Assistant Researcher Dr. Emmanuel Stamatakis

(E-mail:; Phone: +30 2811392203).


Contract Duration: 34 months

Envisaged starting date: 1/12/2022

Application   submission:  Interested   candidates  should   submit  their  application  electronically  (   and by October 31st 2022 @ 13:00 (Greek time).




Mr Ali Toorajipour (Petroleum Engineer) , has been selected as the PhD fellow in TWINN2SET. He started on December 2023 due to bureaucracy issues and  his research is focusing  on underground hydrogen and CO2 storage in geological formations.

 Ali will also assist to the development of an Advanced Temperature High pressure lab facility capable of performing rock and fluid lab experiment, test and analysis. 

 Ali is a graduate of Shiraz University, Iran in Petroleum Engineering, holds a MSc in Petroleum Engineering-Production, Shiraz University, Iran. His research interest focuses on Cabron Capture Utilization and Storage, hydrogen geo-storage and surface phenomena. He is familiar with Python, Matlab and petroleum engineering software. He has 5 publications so far in Journals with high impact factor.



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Προθεσμία Υποβολής: