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Announcement Date
AGENDA 1st Summer School 2024
  • Day I

- 12.00-12.30 Kick start of the 1st Summer School on Energy Transition (FORTH/IG) → welcome by Director of FORTH/IG,  Prof. Ioannis Gentekakis & the TWINN2SET Coordinator Dr. Emmanuel Stamatakis (Researcher FORTH/IG)

- 12.30-13.00 Keynote Speech on  the role of Hydrogen in clean  energy transition, Mr. Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO Hydrogen Europe (virtual) , ''The role of Hydrogen in clean  energy transition''

-13.00-13.30 Mr. Dimitris Triantafillopoulos,  CEO Hellenic  Hydrogen  ‘’Hellenic Hydrogen - Building  a better future with renewable H2''

-13.30-14.30 Break

-14.30-17.00 Workshop on Intelectual Property by IFPEN, Ms. Emmanuelle CECCHI IFP Energies nouvelles (France)  & Ms. Lorraine LANG IFP Energies nouvelles (France)

-17.00-18.00 Twinning of the European projects GreenSkills4H2 & TWINN2SET

  • Day II

- 14.30-15.30 Dr. Vasilis Grigoriou, CEO Advent  Technologies, ‘’Developement of Hydrogen Economy

- 15.30-16.00 Break

- 16.00-17.00 Dr. Euthimios Tartaras,  HEREMA, ''Building a Bridge to a Carbon-Free Future: the  role of NaturaGas, CCS and  Offshore Wind''

- 17.00-18.00 Prof. Raoof Gholami,  UiS,  "Hydrogen Economy  and  Challenges of large scale energy storage''

- 18.00-19.00 Dr. Christos Chatzichristos, NCSR DEMOKRITOS  & Ms. Ioanna Tzagkaroulaki NCSR DEMOKRITOS,  ''Exploration of Natural Hydrogen - Knowledge transfer & best practices from the  oil & gas industry''

-19.00-20.00 Q&A session

  • Day III

- 16.00-17.00 Dr. Anastasios Labropoulos, FORTH/IG, ''Solid  adsorbents for capture of carbon dioxide  from industrial flue gas''

- 17.00-18.00 Associate Prof.  Andreas  Giotis, TUC,  "Fossil Fuels  and  the  EU roadmap towards Net-Zero CO2 emissions"

-18.00-20.00 Associate. Prof. Vasilis Gaganis,  NTUA,  ''An introduction to Reservoir Engineering aspects iGeothermal Energy  Exploitation''

  • Day IV

- 16.00-17.00 Prof. Jon Gluyas, Durham University, '' The quest to find natural hydrogen''

- 17.00-19.00 Dr. Anais Cario, CNRS, '' Deep  Subsurface Microbial Life in thContext of Energy  Transition''

- 19.00-20.00 Q&A session

  • Day V

- 16.00-18.00 Lab visits at thpremises of thFORTH/IG & TUC

- 18.00-20.00  Closing/Discussion

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