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Announcement Date

The European Project Twinn2set 2nd Newsletter is now available.

The European Project Twinn2set 2nd Newsletter is now available.During the 2nd year of the TWINN2SET project many actions have been implemented.


The 2nd Project Meeting took place in Chania on September 2023, where the 1st field trip in the region of Chania supervised by Dr. Spyros Bellas (FORTH/IG) and two workshops, one on Citizen Engagement in the context of FORTH’s 40 Years Anniversary and one on Research Management and Administration by UiS, were organized. In addition, the FORTH/IG published the first paper with acknowledgement on TWINN2SET and an article in Innovation News Network in November 2023.


During the visit of the TWINN2SET’s partners on January 2024 in France, at the premises of IFPEN, the 2nd field trip at the DMX CO2 capture unit as well as a workshop on Funding opportunities were organized.


On March 2024 the FORTH/IG participated at the Energy Norway 2024 with a presentation on CO2 Hydrates presented by Dr. Anastasios Labropoulos (Post-doc of TWINN2SET).


Last but not least the 1st Summer School of the EU-funded Project dedicated to “Energy Transition” was successfully held between the 1st-5th of July 2024 where technical and non-technical lectures as well as interactive workshops dedicated to Intellectual Property and joined lectures which were held in collaboration with the 2nd Hydrogen Summer School in Kozani were organized.


You can read the Twinn2set 2nd Newsletter here